Blog: The routine of our pharmaceutical, medical, legal and technical translators & interpreters from Nuremberg

Russian interpreting at the notary's office in Germany. The most important facts

Russian interpreting at the notary's office in Germany. The most important facts

Russian interpreters are deployed in a wide variety of official appointments – be that court summonses, medical appointments and marriage registrations at the registry office or notarial certifications. Below you will learn what to consider when planning your notary appointment in Germany for which a Russian interpreter has been enlisted.

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Anglicisms in German and the translation industry

Anglicisms in German and the translation industry

It is impossible to imagine the German language without Anglicisms, which are emerging and spreading ever faster thanks to globalization and social media. This is a phenomenon we have already addressed in our article "Anglicisms in everyday life and how they pose a challenge for translators".

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Anglicisms in everyday life and how they pose a challenge for translators

Anglicisms in everyday life and how they pose a challenge for translators

Many English terms have already become well-established in the German language. Laptop, notebook, comeback, chat, countdown, teamwork, update - every single German uses these words regularly in everyday life without further ado.

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Challenges in pharmaceutical translations of clinical trials

Challenges in pharmaceutical translations of clinical trials

In the corona crisis, the media particularly focuses on vaccine development and clinical trials. Every international clinical trial requires a specialist pharmaceutical translator.

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Nuremberg: Sworn translators reporting on certified translations

Nuremberg: Sworn translators reporting on certified translations

There are numerous reasons to have official documents translated. In order for local authorities to acknowledge birth or marriage certificates written in a foreign language, a certified translation into German is necessary. In Germany, only sworn translators are allowed to certify translations.

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Educational institutions for translators and interpreters in comparison: Germersheim and Munich

Educational institutions for translators and interpreters in comparison: Germersheim and Munich

We have already hinted at the possible career paths of language mediators in our German article Der Weg zum Beruf des Übersetzers. Now we invite you to take a closer look at two German educational institutions in this field: the University of Mainz in Germersheim with the Department 06 "Language, Culture, Translation" (FTSK) and the SDI (Language and interpreting institute) in Munich.

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Russian GMP inspections from a translator's point of view

Russian GMP inspections from a translator's point of view

Numerous producers of pharmaceuticals from Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a strong interest in gaining a foothold in the Russian market. They have to pass a Russian GMP inspection for their respective preparations to be approved. The GMP inspection is supported by experienced translators and interpreters specialised in pharmacy.

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Is a sworn interpreter required at the notary in Germany?

Is a sworn interpreter required at the notary in Germany?

Buying real estate, concluding a marriage contract or founding a company requires notarization of the relevant documents. Only then do they have legal effect. If one of the parties is unfamiliar with the German language, an interpreter might become necessary. Who can be commissioned by the client for this task?

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Certified translation of vital records

Certified translation of vital records

Birth certificate, marriage and wedding certificates, death certificates and more - everyone is familiar with them and has already had to submit at least one of these documents to an office or authority. However, if you have to submit German documents abroad or want to have foreign documents recognized in Germany or need them for authorities, there are a few things to bear in mind.

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English, German and further translations in Nuremberg this year

English, German and further translations in Nuremberg this year

This year was dominated by the corona pandemic, which affected virtually every economic area. A professional translating agency like AP Fachübersetzungen in Nuremberg which serves clients from all branches faced wholly new challenges. We take a look back and wish to say “Thank You” in every language.

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Things to know about translations of school certificates from/into German

Things to know about translations of school certificates from/into German

Studying abroad, emigration, working in another country - to organize everything successfully in these cases, you need a translation of your school certificates and academic certificates. German and foreign authorities, offices as well as universities and colleges require a certain form: the certified translation. With this type of translation, a number of things need to be taken into account.

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In Germany, the trade fair season begins again - interpreters from Nuremberg report

In Germany, the trade fair season begins again - interpreters from Nuremberg report

The beginning of August has already seen the first trade fairs in Germany in full swing, hopefully introducing the end of corona time. For us at least, interpreting at trade fairs restores a feeling of “business as usual”. As specialized translators and interpreters from Nuremberg, we are an essential part of these fairs and we are always there for our clients.

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Nuremberg celebrates the international translation and interpreting day

Nuremberg celebrates the international translation and interpreting day

The international translation day takes place every year on 30 September, the alleged day of St. Jerome’s death in 420. This is the reason why it is also called “St. Jerome’s day” in German-speaking countries.

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Wanted: English translator & interpreter in Nuremberg

Wanted: English translator & interpreter in Nuremberg

Our Nuremberg translation and interpreting agency is looking for a full-time translator / interpreter (m/f/d) for English (40 hours/week) to start as soon as possible.

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Our Nuremberg translation agency celebrates its 10-year anniversary

Our Nuremberg translation agency celebrates its 10-year anniversary

Our Nuremberg translation and interpreting agency has been a well-established name in the translation industry for 10 years. From international pharmaceutical companies, technology groups, clinics, law firms, authorities to private individuals - AP Fachübersetzungen always offers high quality translation and interpreting services for its clients.

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Nuremberg interpreting agency takes over L&K Übersetzungen

Nuremberg interpreting agency takes over L&K Übersetzungen

This year does not only see the 10th anniversary of our interpreting and translation agency in Nuremberg. We are also happy to announce an addition to our family: Since July 2020, L&K Übersetzungen in Schwäbisch Gmünd is part of our company.

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How artificial intelligence revolutionizes the translation industry

How artificial intelligence revolutionizes the translation industry

Many companies now rely on machine translation (MT) to save costs and time. Online tools and websites such as Google Translate and DeepL Translator are often used to translate texts of all sorts.

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Interpreters talk about Russian GMP inspections

Interpreters talk about Russian GMP inspections

Nuremberg specialist translators and simultaneous interpreters for Russian have already successfully interpreted at many GMP inspections and audits and reveal some details to our readers and especially to pharmaceutical companies in the German-speaking area.

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Nuremberg translators in the era of Chemistry 4.0

Nuremberg translators in the era of Chemistry 4.0

What significance does the new development phase of the chemical industry, the era of Chemistry 4.0, have for our translation agency AP Fachübersetzungen in Nuremberg? A significant one, because professional specialist translations in the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors will be in greater demand than ever in the coming years.

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Corona fever leaves us specialist translators and interpreters cold

Corona fever leaves us specialist translators and interpreters cold

Is there any sense in contracting the current scaremongering from the media surrounding the newly discovered coronavirus? Our professional specialist translators and interpreters have a clear answer: a definite no! Because we will bravely and valiantly overcome even this crisis!

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Our translation agency at the 2020 BVMW annual kick-off

Our translation agency at the 2020 BVMW annual kick-off

Around 200 small and medium-sized business owners from the Nuremberg metropolitan area attended the 2020 BVMW annual kick-off in Nuremberg – and AP Fachübersetzungen could not miss it!

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Simultaneous interpreting in front of over 3,000 guests in Berlin

Simultaneous interpreting in front of over 3,000 guests in Berlin

The 2020 BVMW annual reception, the largest so far, attracted over 3,000 guests from German small and medium-sized companies to Berlin. Guess who had the pleasure of interpreting the speeches by prominent speakers, ministers and state presidents into English!

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Translators and interpreters ready for the BIOFACH trade fair 2020 in Nuremberg

Translators and interpreters ready for the BIOFACH trade fair 2020 in Nuremberg

Next month, the leading international trade fair for ecologically produced consumer goods BIOFACH will be in full swing again in Nuremberg and present the most innovative organic products! We at AP Fachübersetzungen can hardly wait for this four-day event to start.

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Countdown to the 71st Nuremberg International Toy Fair - simultaneous interpreters at work

Countdown to the 71st Nuremberg International Toy Fair - simultaneous interpreters at work

In 2020, the Nuremberg International Toy Fair will once again attract international visitors, exhibitors and journalists with its broad range of products. Of course, our professional simultaneous interpreters at AP Fachübersetzungen are not going to miss this major global trade fair.

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New Year - at different times: a blog article by an interpreting and translation agency from Nuremberg, Germany

New Year - at different times: a blog article by an interpreting and translation agency from Nuremberg, Germany

The Chinese "Year of the Metal Rat" begins on 25 January 2020, while the Israeli New Year already started in autumn. In Iran and Afghanistan, the New Year (Nowruz) takes place on 20 or 21 March and, like Christmas in Germany, the UK or USA, is traditionally celebrated with presents for the whole family.

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Specialist translators and interpreters at 4 technical trade fairs

Specialist translators and interpreters at 4 technical trade fairs

Why have bauma, SPS Drives, the Hanover Fair and Agritechnica always been endless sources of information for specialist translators and interpreters?

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SPS - Global trade fair in Nuremberg

SPS - Global trade fair in Nuremberg

This year's SPS automation trade fair in Nuremberg is coming up soon. With great anticipation, the employees of our Nuremberg interpreting and translation agency AP Fachübersetzungen are looking forward to interesting and productive meetings with representatives of international, well-known companies from the technology sector.

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Can you read this? In German-English legal translations, our word of the week is…

Can you read this? In German-English legal translations, our word of the week is…

At first sight, most people (even German native speakers) probably misread the word "Ehegatteninnengesellschaft" (English meaning: inter-spousal undisclosed partnership; however, initially, one might think it says “association of wives”).

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How to avoid faux pas with machine translations

How to avoid faux pas with machine translations

Here is a quote from a translation of an instruction manual for an electronic Christmas candle: "Turn stippling A little bit and fold it into counter stippling B to light GWK 9091". Would you know what to do in this case?

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Profiling legend Mark T. Hofmann in Nuremberg

Profiling legend Mark T. Hofmann in Nuremberg

The insightful presentation by Mark T. Hoffmann showed employees of AP Fachübersetzungen how to read, convince and win over people, as well as how to use profiling skills and negotiation techniques in everyday business.

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Russian 2019 GMP conference inspires translators & interpreters

Russian 2019 GMP conference inspires translators & interpreters

The 4th All-Russia GMP Conference 2019 gave rise to new ideas for our specialist translators and simultaneous interpreters from AP Fachübersetzungen in Nuremberg.

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Nuremberg translation agency at the 2019 Interpharm trade fair in Stuttgart

Nuremberg translation agency at the 2019 Interpharm trade fair in Stuttgart

We present our interpreting and translation company and inform visitors about our services in the fields of specialist translations and interpreting, meet our existing customers as well as new customers and advise them on translation-related matters.

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The certified translation of court documents

The certified translation of court documents

Court documents comprise court judgments and decisions, statements of claim, written submissions of lawyers, letters from experts and more. In most cases these documents are particularly sensitive. Only specialized language experts are able to do the specialist translations you require.

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Translation agency as member of the Berlin BVMW

Translation agency as member of the Berlin BVMW

From 1 November 2018 we are a member of a strong association: the BVMW.

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The abilities of professional conference interpreters

The abilities of professional conference interpreters

Events of great importance like international conferences require the use of professional conference interpreters who are trained, experienced and specialized. How, then, do you find such experts and which further abilities can you expect from them?

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How simultaneous interpreting was reinvented in Nuremberg

How simultaneous interpreting was reinvented in Nuremberg

After the victory over Nazi Germany, the Allies did not only make legal history with the Nuremberg Trials. The international tribunal also marks the birth of a new translation technique, namely simultaneous interpreting.

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