In Germany, the trade fair season begins again - interpreters from Nuremberg report

In Germany, the trade fair season begins again - interpreters from Nuremberg report

The beginning of August has already seen the first trade fairs in Germany in full swing, hopefully introducing the end of corona time. For us at least, interpreting at trade fairs restores a feeling of “business as usual”. As specialized translators and interpreters from Nuremberg, we are an essential part of these fairs and we are always there for our clients.

Challenges for interpreters at trade fairs

After convention centres were shut down for several months due to the corona pandemic, things are finally moving forward again. The economy has been suffering from this pandemic since March, which is for the greatest part due to several governmental actions. As a result, international trade has been severely reduced and many events have been canceled or postponed indefinitely. We can confirm that this has, of course, also affected the translation and interpreting sector in Germany and around the globe. Interpreting has largely shifted from factory tours, GMP inspections and trade fair presentations to video and telephone conferences. With the beginning trade fair season, our Nuremberg-based translation and interpreting agency is looking forward to working together again face-to-face rather than digitally.

Interpreting at trade fairs presents linguists with peculiar challenges. Excellent command of the respective language pairs is not the only prerequisite. Profound knowledge of the products and companies which the interpreter is representing is equally essential. This is ensured by intensive training, which is worth it in any case. After all, German and all international companies that rely on professional trade fair interpreters are able to overcome the language barrier between them and their potential clients. It is also an important factor in keeping close ties to long-time clients and in acquiring new ones.

What sets trade fair interpreters apart from their colleagues is that they do not only have to have excellent and specialized language skills. They also must be able to sell something in an empathic and friendly manner. In this case, to sell means to motivate someone to make a decision. This means that the task of successful interpreters is not only to translate. They also have to master the art of approaching people, talking to them, advising them (among other things) and of advertising the respective fair stand.

Interpreting in Nuremberg and whole Germany tailored to your requirements

Depending on your preferences or the situation, there are two techniques in trade fair interpreting: simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting. The staff at our translation agency in Nuremberg are highly experienced professionals in these areas, above all in our main fields: medicine, pharmacy, law and technology, the latter being the most sought after at trade fairs.

It is also recommended to think about using more than one interpreter. Trade fairs in particular offer great opportunities to meet potential clients from all over the world. Covering more than one language pair is recommended in order to communicate in the best possible, least restricted way. Languages like Chinese, Russian, English, French and Arabic are among the most sought after because many visitors from the respective countries travel to Germany and specifically Nuremberg with its huge convention centre for the sole purpose of visiting a trade fair.

Equally important: Professional translations for trade fairs

Interpreters are, however, not the only ones who translate at trade fairs. Specialized translators play an important part as well, by translating your leaflets, brochures, advertising posters, websites, catalogues and so on in advance, which is a very important aspect of your trade fair presentation. If a client is visually attracted, he or she is more likely to approach your stand. Then it is easier for you or the interpreter to start conversing with the potential client. In many cases, people tend to seek what they already know when they are abroad - especially their mother tongue.

Our translators and trade fair interpreters from Nuremberg are looking forward to professionally supporting you in every respect and to bringing you and your clients together!